Venus Flytrap Light Requirements

The Venus Flytrap is a carnivorous plant that needs bright light in order to thrive. One of the most important things you can do for your flytrap is ensure it is getting the required light, and there are several different methods you can use to enable your plant to get what it needs. 

The first step when determining if the Venus Flytrap has sufficient lighting is looking at where the flytraps are located. If they are outdoors or indoors near a window with lots of sunlight shining through them, then they’re probably getting sufficient light on their own. However, if they’re not receiving direct sunlight or putting out no new growths, then chances are they aren’t getting enough energy from the sun and may need supplemental lighting.

A Venus Fly Trap requires adequate lighting for it to thrive. During the active growing season, the plant needs at least 12 hours of sunlight.

Venus Fly trap Light Requirement

Out of this, a minimum of 4 hours should be direct sunlight. Overall, the more direct sunlight the plant receives, the healthier it will become. That’s why the best place to grow your Venus Fly Trap is outdoors, if possible. Direct access to UV rays is essential in killing molds and fungus spores. Besides that, rain and wind help to wash and blow digested insects from the traps, so outdoors is always the best option when available.

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If, however, you have been growing your flytrap indoors, then taking it outdoors needs to be done correctly. The direct and instant introduction to high-intensity light will result in stress and cause the leaves to burn and dry. The best way to introduce your plant to direct sunlight is to start by giving it just an hour of direct sunlight for a couple of days. Gradually increase this amount hour by hour every few days until the plant reaches a point where it can effectively handle sunlight all day.

If you can’t take your plant outside, grow it close to the window. Ensure that you monitor the sunlight until the plant has developed new leaves and mature traps that can withstand long hours of direct sunshine.

sunlight Venus Flytrap Delivery

Apart from sunlight, you can also use artificial lighting in the form of fluorescent lights or grow bulbs. For optimal growth, try to keep your plant within 8 inches of light. The closer your plant is to the source of light, the more it will thrive.

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