Which Carnivorous Plants Can Be Grown Indoors Without A Dormancy Period

Carnivorous plants are a unique group of plants that have the ability to trap and digest insects. They are fascinating to grow ,but some require specific growing conditions, including hot summers with humidity levels between 70-90% and mild winters. Because of this Carnivorous plants may be challenging to grow indoors . However, these specific carnivorous plants thrive indoors without a dormancy period, so you can successfully keep them alive all year round!

Here we compiled a list to another article for saving time researching and encountering trial and error in regards to getting the right materials to use when you’re planning to care for Carnivorous plants: The Definitive Carnivorous Plant Shopping List

Best Carnivorous Plants to Grow at Home

You can grow most of the carnivorous plants at home, but some of them have a dormancy period. If you want a full year-round bloom from your plants, then there are few picks for you.

We’ve also written a few topics about Carnivorous caring guide you may want to consider reading further: Carnivorous Plants Care Guides

Cephalotus follicularis

Cephalotus follicularis would be a good pick for homegrown carnivorous plants. It is commonly known as the Australian pitcher plant. This slow-growing plant is a bit hard to grow, but it does not require too much attention once it is fully grown or have matured already.

It can adjust with sun exposure up to partial shade, making it an excellent choice as display in your windows. It can adapt with a wide range of temperatures as well, unlike other types.


Nepenthes pitcher plants are also a right choice for homegrown carnivorous plants. Nepenthes ventricosa and Nepenthes X Miranda is the top choices of the Nepenthes family for indoor plants. Other than the fact that these plants are very flexible when it comes to the soil it is planted, it also looks so gorgeous and is an excellent display as a hanging plant.

Cape Sundews

Cape Sundews is a good option as well. This one is easy to grow and is affordable compared to others. They have a little requirement, though for you to keep it alive. This plant requires a lot of pure water and the right amount of sunlight. If possible, you can place it in the window with the most sunlight.

There are more carnivorous plants that you can grow at home, but when it comes to high survival rate with fewer demands, then you may consider these options.

Benefits of Growing Carnivorous Plants at Home

Indoor plant grower can benefit a lot in growing carnivorous plants at home. This plant dramatically helps in catching some insects inside your house. Since they are predatory, these plants have their means of attracting their prey such as insects and flies and killing it. They can also add up a pleasant scent at home. Some carnivorous plants emit smells or odors to attract their prey, and most aromas are delightful. Of course, this is subject with the homeowners liking of the scent just in case.

They are adding a touch of class in your home. These carnivorous plants are exotic-looking and are very eye-catching at times. Adding it to your indoor plants helps in making your house looks more elegant. These plants have different varieties suitable for center tabletop plants, hanging plants and even as aquarium plants. You can find many uses for it.

Things to Consider Before Growing Carnivorous Plants at Home

Regardless if it is a hybrid or grown from seeds, all carnivorous plants have specific growth requirements. Try to know the needs of your plants first to know if your home is suitable for that. Needs like lighting and temperature are necessary for their growth. Now, if your home is in a condo unit and no direct heat from sunlight, then you need to find a plant suitable for that condition.

It is also, a must to consider the demand for care for that specific plant. If you are working the whole day and can barely check your plants, then you might consider looking for someone to take care of it. The survival of these plants dramatically depends on how you take care of it. These plants are not for the busy people who will leave it and water it whenever they can. It needs a lot of tending so better consider your current situation first before acquiring one.

Growing carnivorous plants at home may sound so easy, but it takes a lot of effort to develop and maintain it. However, learning the proper way of taking care of it will make it easier for you. When growing a carnivorous plant, it would help if you study the type of carnivorous plants you want to grow.

There are different types of carnivorous plants in the world. Since they are from different locations, all of them have different types of adaptation.

Things to Avoid When Growing Carnivorous Plants at Home

Just like other plants, carnivorous plants also are vulnerable in any external forces. That is why having pets is a no-no if you are growing some indoor carnivorous plants. Some may do it successfully without compromising the plants, but in most cases, it does not work.

Pets like dogs, cats and the like can be clumsy at times and may mess up your plants or in some cases may intentionally mess it up. 

If you have kids at home, be sure to avoid placing it within their reach. Kids can be playful and curious at times so you might consider putting your plants away from them. Avoid placing it in areas with intense temperature and with much exposure to water. It would depend on the type of plant you are working with at this moment.

Best Way to Grow Indoor Carnivorous Plants at Home

Nothing beats the feeling of growing your carnivorous plant, but it is not an easy task to do. If you don’t want to stress yourself of taking care of it for an extended period until it starts to blooms and grows, then you have another option for that.

You can start developing with hybrid plants already. It is much easier to handle because the plant is fully established already with a high survival rate. It can take a lot of effort to grow a carnivorous plant from the seed.

The carnivorous plant can be a tricky plant to deal with, among others. However, with a good amount of knowledge about it paired with the right touch of care, your efforts will be paid with a beautiful plant.

Here’s another article to learn more about different Carnivorous plants: The 10 Most Fascinating Carnivorous Plants

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