How to unpack your Venus Flytrap Delivery

Suppose you have purchased a Venus flytrap online and would like to find out the first steps to take care of them immediately after they are delivered. Then these detailed step-by-step instructions for Venus Flytrap care after delivery are for you.

Venus Flytrap Delivery

Many local nurseries and big box stores only stock basic varieties of the Venus flytrap, and often these plants are sickly and prone to pests and disease. So many plant lovers are ordering a plant online for more choices and healthier options. But there are still precautions that should be taken to ensure that the plant lives and thrives.

Unpacking Venus Flytrap

Like other plants ordered online, Venus flytraps are usually delivered in a cardboard box and should be removed carefully, taking care not to damage the plant. The plant is usually covered with plastic to protect it from damage and seal in moisture while in transport. Additionally, a moist paper towel is usually used to cover the soil or pot so that the plant receives sufficient moisture.

unboxing Venus Flytrap Delivery

You should remove the plastic dome covering the plant first, being careful not to damage the plant or trigger the traps if you can help it. The paper towel covering the plant’s soil and roots may now also be discarded.

Watering Venus Flytrap

Like other plants, the Venus flytrap requires plenty of moisture to grow well and wilt if not watered. However, the plant owner should be aware that the Venus flytrap will grow only if the correct type of water is used. Rainwater, distilled water, or water from a reverse osmosis filter should only be used. Water containing minerals will adversely affect the plant and kill it or stunt its growth. 

watering Venus Flytrap Delivery

So mineral water, tap water, bottled water should all be avoided. The soil for the plant must remain moist, so it is advisable to keep a dish full of water below the potted Venus flytrap all the time.

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Sunlight Venus Flytrap

A Venus flytrap requires plenty of sunshine to grow well. After the plant has been unpacked and watered, it can be kept on the window sill or terrace to receive optimal sunlight. In some situations, a fluorescent light can be used if direct sunlight is not available or limited. Plant owners should ensure that the Venus flytrap will get light for at least six hours daily minimum.

sunlight Venus Flytrap Delivery

Re-potting Venus Flytrap

It is recommended that the plant remains in the supplied pot initially while it is small. If the plant grows fast, the owner may consider re-potting to a larger pot. For a mature Venus flytrap, the pot used should be at least four to six inches deep. The ideal soil should be a combination of sphagnum peat moss, with perlite, silica sand added, though coco-peat may also be used.

replotting Venus Flytrap Delivery

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